
Sexual Minorities and Mental Health: Current Perspectives and New Directions
Joanna Semlyen and Poul Rohleder (Editors)
(with a foreword by Dr Jack Drescher)
Published December Palgrave MacMillan
“The key strength of Sexual Minorities and Mental Health is the interweaving of salient issues for lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer trans and cisgender people with therapeutic modalities and wider strategies for positive individual and societal change. Semlyen and Rohleder should be commended for producing a psychological collection that will be theoretically and practically illuminating for psychology, counselling and psychotherapy, and social work and social policy students. Newly qualified and experienced practitioners will also find this book beneficial for enhancing their cultural humility with clients.”
- Professor Elizabeth Peel
Professor in Communication and Social Interaction, Loughborough University, and Fellow of the British Psychological Society

A Clinical Guide to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Deborah Abrahams and Poul Rohleder
(with a foreword by Prof. Peter Fonagy)
Published 2021 by Routledge.
"This is a scholarly textbook giving a comprehensive and detailed view of the field of psychotherapy based on psychodynamic principles, addressing history, concepts and their divergences; it plunges into the many conflicting research studies comparing psychodynamic psychotherapy with other, often more popular therapies. It presents interestingly the debate between following protocols versus developing competences. The fundamental principles and indeed competences necessary for clinical practice are carefully laid out with their rationale. And a useful final section details difficulties, complexities and adaptations. The promise is of a teaching and reference work on a thoroughly established and well-thought-through professional practice – a promise it keeps, handsomely. As a study guide for students and for practitioners, it deserves to have pride-of-place in the libraries of the most experienced practitioners."
- Professor R.D. Hinshelwood
Psychoanalyst; Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex

Qualitative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology
Published 2014 by Palgrave.

Critical Issues in Clinical and
Health Psychology.
Published 2012 by Sage Publications.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
Rohleder, P. (2023). Homophobia and the psychic life of LGBTQ people. In S Frosh, M Vyrgioti and J Walsh (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies. London: Palgrave MacMillan
Taylor, L., Kegerreis, S. and Rohleder, P., (2023). Loss and Survival: Experiences of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists Working Remotely During the COVID-19 Pandemic. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 39 (1), 182-197
Rohleder, P., Ryan-Flood, R. and Walsh, J., (2023). Holding hands: LGBTQ people’s experiences of public displays of affection with their partner(s). Psychology and Sexuality, 1-13
Semlyen, J. and Rohleder, P., (2022). Critical psychology perspectives on LGBTQ+ mental health: current issues and interventions. Psychology & Sexuality. 13 (5), 1105-1108
Rohleder, P., Watermeyer, B., Braathen, SH., Hunt, X. and Swartz, L., (2019). Impairment, socialization and embodiment: The sexual oppression of people with physical disabilities. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 24 (3), 260-281
Rohleder, P., (2019). Homophobia, heteronormativity and shame. In: Sexuality and Gender Now: Looking beyond heteronormativity. Editors: Hertzmann, L. and Newbigin, J., . Routledge. 40- 56. 9780367254100
Rohleder, P., (2019). (No) time for love: Reflecting on relationships in psychotherapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling. 21 (3-4), 276-287
Watermeyer, B., Hunt, X., Swartz, L. and Rohleder, P., (2019). Navigating the relational psychic economy of disability: The case of M. Psychoanalytic Dialogues. 29 (5), 515-531
Rohleder, P., (2016). Othering, blame and shame when working with people living with HIV. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 30 (1), 62-78
Rohleder, P., (2014). Othering. In: Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Editors: Teo, T., . Springer. 1306- 1308
Rohleder, P., (2014). Projection, Overview. In: Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Springer New York. 1520- 1522
Contributions to press articles
My mother’s grief is making our relationship toxic. The Guardian, April 2023
My boyfriend is older, richer and better educated than me. Should I marry him? The Guardian, December 2022
How do I cope with a friend who is consistently flaky? The Guardian, September 2022
The summer of stress – how to cope with fear and uncertainty in a pandemic, The Guardian, July 2020
I'm anxious about returning to the world after lockdown. Is this normal?, The Guardian, June 2020
Academic Publications and Research
For 15 years I was an academic and researcher, and last had a post as a senior lecturer at the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex. I have published a number of academic papers on matters of sexuality, diversity, and mental health, which are listed on my ResearchGate profile.